Q: When attacking, can a hunter choose a creature to block that would otherwise be unable to block it?
A: Yes, any creature can be chosen. So for example a sneaky hunter may choose a non-sneaky creature to block.
Q: If a card says “defeat an enemy creature” who gets to choose which creature?
A: The person performing an action is the person to make any choices unless something else is specified. So when one of your cards says: “Attack: Defeat an enemy creature”, you are allowed to choose which one. If a card says “the opponent discards a card”, they are allowed to pick the card since they are performing the action.
Q: What happens when you gain control of a tough creature that is already exhausted?
A: The creature remains exhausted and will be put into your discard pile the next time it gets defeated.
Q: Is a Tough creature (which has not been exhausted) both exhausted and defeated when fighting a poisonous creature with more power?
A: No! The tough creature is exhausted but not defeated.
Q: Elephantopus says „The opponent cannot block with creatures with power 4 or less.“ What happens when I have a creature with Hunter, and I choose to attack a creature with power 4 or less.
A: With a Hunter, you can still hunt down any creature you want. The Elphantopus only prevents the opponent from choosing a creature as a blocker.
However, using the Hunter ability is optional. So if you chose to not use the Hunter ability on your attack and the opponent only has creatures with 4 or less, your Hunter would be unblockable.
Q: Sharky-Crab-Dog-Mummypus says: „Has HUNTER while an enemy creature does. Repeat for SNEAKY, FRENZY and POISONOUS.“ What does it mean?
A: While any of the following keywords are present on an enemy creature, the Sharky-Crab-Dog-Mummypus has those keywords too: HUNTER, SNEAKY, FRENZY, POISONOUS.
(Thx to 95chins on BGG for the nice formulation)
Q: What is the Maximum number of life points?
A: There is no maximum. You can have more than your 3 starting life.
Q: If a creature that was mindbugged is defeated, which discard pile does it go to? And who gets the defeated trigger?
A: The creature goes to the discard pile of the player who currently controls the creature. In the example, the player who mindbugged the creature gets the defeated trigger and the creature also goes into their discard pile.
Q: What happens when my draw pile is empty?
A: When your draw pile is empty, you have to play with the remaining cards in your hand and in play. You do not get to shuffle back your discard pile into the deck.
Q: What happens if I can’t attack with a creature or play a card from my hand?
A: A player always has to perform one of the two possible actions. Either play a creature or attack with a creature. If you cannot do any of these, you lose the game.
Rules Sluggernaut: „When it would be defeated for the first time, because it has Tough, turn it to the side, and doing so, you must pick a new profile (with Frenzy or with Hunter) and that choice is definitive for the rest of the game, you can’t switch sides during following turns.“