Print & Play
These „Print and Play Files“ are offered as download for personal, strictly non-commercial use only. You may not redistribute, sell or trade the game materials in any form. In order to download the files you need to register with your e-mail and agree to our Terms & Conditions.
Terms and Conditions
Please read the terms and conditions carefully and comply with them at all time. Your download is subject to your acceptance of the terms and conditions.
Intellectual Property
The user agrees and acknowledges that “Nerdlab Games” retains all rights, title, interest and ownership in each and every element of the “Print and Play Files”. This includes the name, texts, illustrations, logo and all other game elements.
Personal use
These „Print and Play Files “ are being shared to you as download for personal, strictly non-commercial use only. All rights not specifically granted are reserved by “Nerdlab Games”.
The user shall not exploit the game commercially and or seek any financial benefit, or allow anyone directly or indirectly in that design. The user shall not sell, rent, lease, transfer, license or sublicense, distribute the “Print and Play Files” of the game or any copies thereof.
Any other reproduction but the personal usage foreseen is strictly prohibited. The user is notably not authorized to publicly display or perform, republish the “Print and Play Files”.
How to get your Print and PLay Files
The Print and Play files are exclusively for our Kickstarter supporters. If you didn’t receive your files yet, please use our contact form to send us a message including your Kickstarter name and Backer number. We will then send you the files.
If you didn’t support the Kickstarter but want to test Mindbug anyway, you could do so on Tabletopia or Tabletop Simulator.